01 October 2014

The perfect storm and a $210 lesson in patience

I started this blog with every intention of writing something or posting a photo on a weekly or monthly basis.  As you can see from the dates of this post and the previous (only) post of this blog, I have clearly failed.

After roughly four years, I decided to log in and see what I'd so crudely initiated and promptly abandoned.  Besides the introductory post, I noticed I'd started a draft post with the subject "The perfect storm and a $210 lesson in patience."  Unfortunately, the body of the post was blank.  I would have to dig through archives of emails for indications of what this perfect storm or $210 lesson in patience could possibly entail.  It has been so long that I can only guess that it might have been car-related.  Regardless, I'm keeping the subject as-is for this post.  I've been through some figurative and literal storms and have plenty of patience, if that counts.

So much has happened in the last four years.  Noodle has a girlfriend named Pearl (also a rabbit).  I've gotten back into reading books on a regular basis, so I may post a few book reviews on here.  It started with an e-reader, which I still have.  Then I started reading a few paper books that I had in my possession, and eventually was hooked on paper books.  The smell, the feel.  Anyway, what else.  Got married, moved across the country, lost friends, made friends, changed jobs, cultivated new hobbies, reconnected with old hobbies I'd forgotten I loved.

Here's to hopping back on the blog wagon.

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