11 January 2016

Flowers from Last Summer

I probably say this every time I write a blog post, but I'll say it again.  I haven't posted in way too long and I'm trying to catch up on some photo editing!  The ever-growing stash of photos to edit is continually getting bigger instead of getting smaller, which isn't a good thing.  Maybe I'll make a New Year's Resolution to post twice per month.  Or maybe not.  I've never been big on making resolutions like that.  I'm always trying to improve myself and I don't think it's important to time it relative to the start of a calendar year.

Anyway.  Last spring and summer I had a few orchids blooming and was fortunate to have some beautiful evening sun for "posing" my plants.  I also captured a few roses from the bushes in my yard.  I love roses and would live in the Portland International Rose Test Garden if I could.  What a dream that would be!  Minus the crowds, of course.

If you're reading from my home page, be sure to click "read more" for more photos!

Encyclia Radiata -- a non-resupinate flower (the blooms look 'upside down'
but they are truly right-side up; most other orchids are resupinate, where their
buds rotate during growth so the flowers open upside down)

Blc. of some kind, I think.  I'd have to check the tag...

Vanda -- This vanda is one of my absolute favorite
plants because it has reliably bloomed twice per
year for me!  And each time it blooms, the flowers
last for 2 months!  AND there is zero dirt in the
pot so I never have to worry about repotting.

The center kind of looks like an insect from this perspective, doesn't it?



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